signup-lucaPlease fill out the form below (*required fields):


    Primary communicator's first name:*

    Primary communicator's last name:*

    Primary communicator's e-mail*

    Primary communicator's position:*

    Name of publication:*

    Local website URL:*

    Your local number*Your Region:*

    Local president's first name:*

    Local president's last name:*

    Local president's e-mail*:

    Local's phone number*:

    Local union address*:

    Address 1*:

    Address 2:



    Zip Code*: Country*:

    Other designated communicators:

    1) First name:last name:position:e-mail:

    2) First name:last name:position:e-mail:

    3) First name:last name:position:e-mail:

    As communicators named in this application, we hereby apply for our local's membership, or membership renewal, in the UAW Local Union Communication Association. We pledge to dedicate our communications to uphold the constitution of the UAW, adhere to the code of ethics of our local union, and adhere to the code of ethics and bylaws of UAW LUCA.

    I have the approval of my appropriate local leadership to apply for LUCA membership for my local. I understand that my local's LUCA membership will not be active and valid until my local president has approved it. I understand that my local president will be contacted to verify this application. *

    *required fields

    Improving UAW Communications